
Little Creature

Little Creature which is famous for beer is awesome!!
To go there,we had to show our ID otherwise the guard man wouldn't allow us to enter,haha
I ordered a cup of beer,called 'Little Creature Light(4.5%),and it was a bit bitter but tasted good:)
We ordered Tomato mozzarella cheeze pizza and beetroot,hezelnuts pumpkin salad:)

Melbourne Cup

The first Tuesday of November is Melbourne Cup!!
Melbourne Cup is one of the biggest horse racing cups in Australia held in Melbourne.
So in Melbourne(perhaps in Victoria State,too) that day is a public holiday.

Almost everyone stops working to watch the racing,which made me surprised!!
I had a flutter,bet just $2.00-
Our horse were no.17(ZAVITE) and no.3(SO YOU THINK).
SO YOU THINK came in third!! So we got $8.00- and she gave me $5.00-:)

At lunch time,we had a special lunch♪Yammy❤

Almond Cake

My host sister made!!
I wanna learn how to cook:)
So my host sister will teach me when she finish her TEE exam❤

Japanite @deen

On Halloween night,we went to Japanite @a night club,the deen.
It was not as good as we'd expected...haha
Anyway there was costume player contest,it was enjoyable,haha