
Supa Golf

After lunch @OASIS,we went on supa golf,but I didn't play it.
I just watched them playing it and took photos.
I didn't know that I could play.
I wanna go and play it:(
But but...supa golf is in Swan Valley,so I cannot go easily 'cause I don't have a driver's license and nor have a car:_(

Caversham Wildlife Park

In the morning,we went to Caversham Wildlife Park.
After the farm show,we saw coalas and kangaroos and other animals!!
I touched a coala and kangaroos!!

Vegetarian Pizza @OASIS

Today we went on an excursion with students.
Before starting mini golf in the afternoon,we had lunch @OASIS.
My lunch was vegetarian pizza which my friend ordered in advance yesterday.
Delicious!! But I ate a whole pizza!!
I must lose weight 'cause I have gained weight about 5kg since I came here in the end of March...
But it is so difficult not to eat...

Aboriginal Culture Show @Kings Park

Kings Park is a park near the City of Perth.
We went there to see Aboriginal Culture Show.
A boy who performed dance was so cute!!

After show,we ate delicious but expensive($10.00!!)sandwiches!! yammy:)
And then walked in the park.
I wanna go for a walk and picnic again soon.

Fish 'n' Chips @Cicerello's

2weeks ago,my school's sister school students in Japan came.
Since then I've helped their activities,taken many photos.
Last Friday we went to Fremantle excursion.
The photo is one of the most popular Australian food,'fish 'n' Chips'!!
It's yammy but high calory...haha
People add salt,vinegar and tomato sause as they like.
I prefer to add tomato sause❤ not adding salt 'cause taking too much salt is not good for health.
After that we went to Fremantle Market for shopping.
My friend who is also a Japanese assistant and I bought nice body soaps but soon got bored 'cause we've been there many times.
So we went to Hungry Jack's and bought soft cream @50 sents.


Last Sunday,I went to my host brother's soccer game in the morning.
He belongs to a club team like my little brother does.
So I was interested in the differences between Japan and Australia's soccer.

The biggest differences from Japan are:
1.less pressure for offence(easier to avoid charges)
2.apt to dribble so less passes
3.less team play but excellent individual play
4.good counter offences

maybe Australian boys are much taller than Japanese boys
That's why they don't need to rely on team play.
They have good physical advantages!! How good!!

Night Club

Northbridge is one of the most exciting place in Perth @night time.
The reason is that there are many night clubs and pubs in Northbridge.
Last Friday,I went to a night club,named 'deen' with my friends.
@about 10 p.m.,we arrived at and then I had to show my ID,which checked if I am an adult or not.

After I passed ID check,we'd danced for nearly 4 hours,until 1:50 a.m.
Whilst dancing,an Aussie man came to us and then was interested in one of my friends.
They exchanged their mobile numbers,but she refused his offer of dancing together.
I couldn't get any chances to meet Aussie men...haha