
Open Campus

Today I went to Open Campus of a university.
I was surprised that in Japan most of Open Campus are held on weekends,but in Australia they're held on weekdays.

In Australia there are some state universities but few private ones.
Compared with Japan,there are much more private ones,some state ones.
And the number of universities in Japan is much more than that of Australia because population of Japan is much higher than that of Australia.

The buildings of the uni that we went in Fremantle were very old and sophisticated!!

I got a booklet.
My major is law and politics so when I looked at the corner of law and politics,a man spoke to me like
'Are you planning to get Second Degree?'and so on.
But...what is Second Degree?
So I said that I was a freshman last year in Japan.
After that he explained about the courses.

My host sister asked me if I would apply for this uni.It cannot be^_^;

What I wanna know is about university fee!!
My host sister was surprised that it was about $9,800.- and thought it was expensive.
But I thought it was natural.
In Japan,fees are expensive if we go to private uni,it costs about 1,000,000.-
Now Japanese currency is stronger than Australian dollars,so the fee is about 800,000 yen.
According to host mother,they have to pay student loan little by little after their graduation. Me,too.
When I told her about it,she was surprised.
Yes. I have to pay back my loan for 20 years after my graduation...
I will be 43 when I have finished paying back:_(

Anyway today was the first private university's open campus in my life!!
(I didn't went ones except for public universities' ones in Japan.Although I go to private university,but I went there for the first time when I passed the entrance exam^_^;)

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