
picnic @Yanchep National Park→Two Rock

On June 7th(Foundation Day),my friends and I went to Yanchep National Park by car.
He searched google before going there and said it would take us 1 hour 2 minutes.
We arrived at the park just time!! How pancutual google is!!

We were supposed to bring foods,so my friend and I bought bacon & cheese bread and donuts!!And my friends brought lasagne,KFC fried chicken,rice balls and so on!!
We enjoyed lunch,and became full:)

After lunch,we went to see koalas. We found some koalas,but of course,they were sleeping.Also we found Ghost House in the map!!We got excited and went there,but it wasn't a haunted house but just a hiking road.We were disappointed...
According to the notice board of Ghost House,its length was 9.2 kilo meters,and it took 4.5 hours to walk through!!Too long!!
So we just walked for 20 minutes and gave up:)

After that,we went to Two Rock.The beach was more beautiful that I've visited before!!We took off shoes and played!!So fun♫But my jeans became wet^_^;

This picnic is my good memory.I hope we will go somewhere soon!!

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