
Japan vs Paraguay

Yesterday at 10 p.m.(+8hrs) Okada Japan had a match against Paraguay.
Both hadn't never went through quater finals.
Okada Japan completely protected their goal.
Both team couldn't get any goals so had to fight for about 120 minutes.
And finally,the first PK was done at the World Cup 2010.

Okada Japan lost and couldn't go through the quater final.
But they did their best.
I'd expected that Japan would lose some goals,because Paraguay is one of the strong teams.
According to FIFA,the ranking of Paraguay is better than that of Japan.

Although,Okada Japan lost but it was so impressive.
Okada Japan looked like 'samurai'.
Their fighting spirit reminded me of Japanese way of 'bushi-do'!!

My mom took video call via Skype so I was able to watch at real time.
I was glad to watch and share the same feelings as people in Japan.
When the game finished,my heart was full of impression...
If I couldn't have watched it,I would have regreted so much:_(

Thanks,Okada Japan!!

I realized how much I love soccer through this FIFA World Cup 2010.

Food Inc

Yesterday,I went to see a movie,named 'Food Inc'.
It was a documentary film,about safety of food.
I always tend to choose fast food and cheaper food.
But it is not always safe.
Let's choose organic products!!
I try to buy them as possible as I can:)


Let's play soccer♪

Yesterday,I went to Kings Park with my friends for the first time in the afternoon.
About 12 people came;Japanese,Korean and Taiwanese.
We devided into 2 teams.
We only played 15 minutes or so,but it was enjoyable.
The score was about 3vs2 or so,my team lost,haha:)

When we went back to the city,it had been getting dark.
The night view from Kings Park is very beautiful!!

Okada Japan

Congratulations!! Okada Japan went through to the final tournament of FIFA World Cup 2010!!
Last Friday,they had the last match of Group E league,against Denmark.
I couldn't watch it on TV because it starts at 2:30 midnight and my host family isn't interested in soccer:_(
It's pity for only me not to be able to watch it although I love soccer so much,isn't it?!

They defeated Denmark!! The score was 3-1!!
Honda,Endo and Nagatomo got a goal!!
And Japanese Goal Keeper,Kawashima!! Amazing!! Cool:)

So now my laptop's back ground is Okada Japan♪
Tomorrow,they have the game against Paraguay at 10 p.m.!!
I wanna watch it!!
So I'm going to try;
I have Skype,so I can use video call.
So my mother will relay the match from Japan.
I hope it's successful!!


World Cup 2010 is so exciting!!
Recently I made my uniform @the Internet.
My favorite team is England:)
My favorite player is Micheal Owen,whose back number used to 10!!
Now the player who has the no.10,is Rooney.

But unfortunatelly,England lost against Germany,1vs3...


London Week ~Masterchef Australia~

Every night I watch Masterchef Australia on TV.
Most TV programs are shown once a week,but Masterchef is on air every night @Golden Time:)Amazing!!

I don't get bored.So excited♪
Last week,they cooked course dishes for business class @Qantas Airlines.
And from this Sunday,'London Week' started!!
'London Week' the members go to London and challenge cooking.
On the 1st day,they made sweets❤I wish I could have tried them:)
On the 2nd day,they made course dishes as a pair.
And today,on the 3rd day,a challenger who won the previous day battle,challenged a desert against a professional chef.

I love Masterchef so much!!
Tomorrow,they go to Paris,so I can't help watching it♪

Open Campus

Today I went to Open Campus of a university.
I was surprised that in Japan most of Open Campus are held on weekends,but in Australia they're held on weekdays.

In Australia there are some state universities but few private ones.
Compared with Japan,there are much more private ones,some state ones.
And the number of universities in Japan is much more than that of Australia because population of Japan is much higher than that of Australia.

The buildings of the uni that we went in Fremantle were very old and sophisticated!!

I got a booklet.
My major is law and politics so when I looked at the corner of law and politics,a man spoke to me like
'Are you planning to get Second Degree?'and so on.
But...what is Second Degree?
So I said that I was a freshman last year in Japan.
After that he explained about the courses.

My host sister asked me if I would apply for this uni.It cannot be^_^;

What I wanna know is about university fee!!
My host sister was surprised that it was about $9,800.- and thought it was expensive.
But I thought it was natural.
In Japan,fees are expensive if we go to private uni,it costs about 1,000,000.-
Now Japanese currency is stronger than Australian dollars,so the fee is about 800,000 yen.
According to host mother,they have to pay student loan little by little after their graduation. Me,too.
When I told her about it,she was surprised.
Yes. I have to pay back my loan for 20 years after my graduation...
I will be 43 when I have finished paying back:_(

Anyway today was the first private university's open campus in my life!!
(I didn't went ones except for public universities' ones in Japan.Although I go to private university,but I went there for the first time when I passed the entrance exam^_^;)


Japan vs the Netherlands

It's been a week since I updated my blog...
To tell the truth,I couldn't use my PC to save electricity...
Moreover my host mom asked me to use a dryer less than 3 minutes.
So my hair is twisted:_(
I should have my hair straightened or permed before coming here↓↓

Speaking of FIFA World Cup 2010 @South Africa,last night Okada Japan had the game against the Netherlands.
The Netherland is in top 5 of FIFA ranking,I think. And FIFA ranking of Japan is much worse than that of the Netherlands.
Although Japan lost against the Neatherlands at 0-1,but it was not bad.
Japan's possession was 31% compared with the Netherlands,it was 69%.
But Japan aimed goals!! They shoot when they went into the penalty area!!
So I didn't get disappointed.

Another game of Group E,Denmark vs Cameroon,Denmark defeated Cameroon at 2-1!!
So to proceed to Final tournament,Japan has to win the naxt match against Denmark!!

Okada Japan,Go for it!!


FIFA World Cup 2010

maybe for 3 days absence I update my blog^_^;

Yesterday,FIFA World Cup 2010 @South Africa began!!
I couldn't watch TV so I got information via twitter.

But today,I can watch a soccer game on TV.
My friends have a party after the party we'll watch South Korea vs Greece!!
At that time we will make okonomi-yaki,so we are going to buy okonomi-yaki's ingredients.
So I am so excited:)



Recently I don't update my blog but it's not I get tired of keeping a diary but I don't have time to update.
Last weekend,we had 3 days-off,but on Saturday I went to Perth city to make a plan for travel,went to Scandinavian BBQ.On Sunday,I went to church from early in the morning,and on Monday I went to Yanchep National Park with my friends.
I've been so busy but had a wonderful time for a couple of days.

Moreover,I help my host sister with mathmatics.
Of course,I have to speak English to explain.
Now she is studying function.
But I didn't learn it in English,so I don't have enough vocabulary related with mathmatics;for example,x*2 and x*3,1/3 and so on.
I knew *2=square and *3=cube recently.
It is very difficult for me to explain but interesting!!

In her math textbook,there are explanation of the characteristic of each functions,except for solutions.
If I were a student,I would hate mathmatics,haha^_^;
Although I am not good at mathmatics,I like.
That's because when I was a senior high school,I had to take lots of math tests and attend every supplementary lesson before 1st period started.
I really appreciate my math teacher in my senior high school.
Thank you!!

Test ends!!

Since May 24th,mid term test has been in progress,and I have worked as an interviewer and a supervisor of the test.
But yesterday,I finished!!
I've worked year12's and year11's Japanese paper tests and an interviewer of year11's speaking assessment,and an examiner for 2 weeks.
It was so busy that last week I had to bring students writing test to correct sentences @home.
And the position of the interviewer was very difficult!!
I had to keep natural conversation.
My teacher said 'good job' and she would give me some money for my work.

But my work related with the test still remains;for example copying recordings to students USB memories using iTunes,making booklets and so on.
I try my best to deal with them!!

picnic @Yanchep National Park→Two Rock

On June 7th(Foundation Day),my friends and I went to Yanchep National Park by car.
He searched google before going there and said it would take us 1 hour 2 minutes.
We arrived at the park just time!! How pancutual google is!!

We were supposed to bring foods,so my friend and I bought bacon & cheese bread and donuts!!And my friends brought lasagne,KFC fried chicken,rice balls and so on!!
We enjoyed lunch,and became full:)

After lunch,we went to see koalas. We found some koalas,but of course,they were sleeping.Also we found Ghost House in the map!!We got excited and went there,but it wasn't a haunted house but just a hiking road.We were disappointed...
According to the notice board of Ghost House,its length was 9.2 kilo meters,and it took 4.5 hours to walk through!!Too long!!
So we just walked for 20 minutes and gave up:)

After that,we went to Two Rock.The beach was more beautiful that I've visited before!!We took off shoes and played!!So fun♫But my jeans became wet^_^;

This picnic is my good memory.I hope we will go somewhere soon!!


post card!!

I bought 20 post cards at $5.00-
But I selected same 4 post cards...
There would be 10 patterns×2,but I made a mistake!!

Bring Beef Quickly!!

Yesterday I was very busy:)
In the morning,my friends and I met @Western Australia Library and made a plan for our travel to Bali in school holicay.
We are trying online booking because it is cheaper than to use travel agencies.
Last week,when we went to a travel agency,3-days travel cost $1,000.- so we nearly gave up.
But my host sister advised me to use online booking.If we use it,it costs less than $800.- for 6-days travel including airfare and accomodation.yeah!!
Only we have to do is imput the travel details and pay for it.

We also plan to go Ayers Rock!!
Although it is a domestic travel,it costs about $1,000.- to travel only 3 days.
Perhaps we can't go there...

In the evening,we went to Scandinavia BBQ.
On the man's black apron,there was 'Bring. Beef. Quickly!!'.
At first,I thought it was the real name of BBQ,haha.
I am stupid^_^;

After dinner we enjoyed desert❤yammy@^ー^@
My host sister and I talked about 'hot' actors!! So excited!!
I was happy because she liked 'the Lord of the Rings'!!
So we'll watch it someday!!

At last,one of the members of the Scandinavian association of WA gave me a nice key holder and t-shirts!! Thank you very much!!
I'll cherish them!!


1 month

Oh,today is June 2nd,so I've keep tommy's diary for a month.
The number of my contribution is 34 essays.
It's equivalent to one essay a day!!

I try to write at least one essay a day:)

Oxford Aevanced Leaners' Dictionary

Yesterday I finally bought it!!
Last Saturday @Chatterbox,I met a man who has studied Japanese for 2 years by himself and can speak fluently.
That's why my motivation became high and I bought this dictionary.

This dictionary is useful because Oxford series is authority of English dicrionaries and it contains lots of vocabularies and what is more,the supplements are color pages of maps and illustlation.

It cost me $49.95.- but it is worth paying!!
And now it's a strong yen rate,so very profitable:)
I did wise shopping♪