
Facebook and Mixi

To tell the truth,I've never keep my diary for more than 3 days:)
But recently my record has been broken!!
The reason why I've continued for 2 monthes is I use facebook and mixi and skype!!
Thanks to them,my friendship has been getting wider and wider and strengthened!!
I enjoy chatting,reading friends' diaries and so on every day↑↑

I can communicate many friends;not only from Japan but also from all over the world!!

Some ask me and my mom if we miss each other because I am not at home,but we don't miss,actually.I heard from my mom that my younger brother and my dad miss me 'cause they can't do facebook,mixi,skype.
On Dads' day,I'll send a postcard from Australia!!
So I don't feel lonely now!!Thanx everyone❤

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