
An Unlucky Day

Today my friend and I went to City of Perth to plan our travel during the winter vacation.
In Australia,a new school term starts in February and schools have 4 terms in a year.After term 4 there is a long summer vacation from the middle of December to the end of January,and there are 2 weeks vacation between each term.
So my assistant is from term 2 to term 4,for about 8 months.

We wanna travel abroad in our vacation because we can go to Bali from Perth cheaper than from Japan.
But unfortunately,on Sunday no travel agency opened:_(
We have to go on weekdays or Saturday...
But we're busy on weekdays because we're @school until 3:10 usually.

So we went to Harbour Town for shopping. We wanted to buy winter clothes such as a sweater a cardugan.
But I couldn't meet any nice items...So we looked for underwears but they were different from ones in Japan.And there was no one that suited my size...
I prefer Japanese ones!!haha^_^;
So I focus on bargain sale @Perth city in June!!

After shopping when we were thinking about lunch,we met a friend who works @my school together by chance.
So we went to a cheap Korean restraunt.
Lunch cost only $5.00.- and this was my debut of Korean food❤
Although it was hot but yammy:)
We talk about our works and whether we can lose weight when we return to Japan.
Some lost weight naturally but I wonder if I can do so.
Maybe I can't lose weight,so I need to eat less than before...
But dietary restrictions is too hard for me:_(

So from today I'll have salad box for lunch.I try if I can lose weight by doing so.

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