
Am I kind?

Of course,I don't think so.
Today year 12 took Japanese Assessment for 3AJSL.
This assessment was 2.5hour long,but students had to answer lots of question;listening,reading and writing.
It is not surprising that they said there wasn't enough time because it took me 50 minutes to finish reading and writing sections even though I am a Japanese.
But unfortunatelly,while the listening section,there was something wrong with the CD,so we had to read scripts and that made the assessment last longer up to nearly 3 hours...
After that,in the afternoon,they took speaking assessment.
It was too difficult for me to mark scores.
Hard work...tired...
And the teacher said to me 'You're kind,sensei.We can't give her this kind of score.'
Am I kind? I don't think so.


Last Saturday,my friends and I went to Chatterbox @Hyogo Cultural Centre in City Beach.Chatterbox is a cultural exchange between Japanese and foreign people studying Japanese.
I met many people and enjoyed talking a lot♪
We spoke Japanese mainly but topics were about our languages,cultures;English,Chinese and Japanese.
I learned many things from them not only English but also Chinese and Japanese!!
Chatting was so interesting●^ー^●
There was a man who has studied Japanese for 2 year by himself and can speak it very fluently.Meeting him brought me strong motivation to study English!!
So he said paper dictionaries was good because it helped us memorise well and so on.

Today after my work,I went to bookstore and bought one↑↑
Although it cost me $49.95- it's worth paying!!

From now on,I study English as hard as I can!!



@Recess time,when I went to the staff room with my Japanese friend,there were various kinds of food not only fruits,sandwitches but also sweets:)
Usually we have cookies such as Tim Tam,but today was completely different!!
I didn't know why but my friend knew 'cause she has e-mail address of the school,she'd received the e-mail about today's recess.
According to the principal,parents made for us.Such as event is held twice a year.
Thanks for their hospitarity,we had a nice recess time.

Anyway,I enjoyed sweets mainly!! So I ate too much,haha.
So delicious!! ❤yammy❤


Thank you!!

Today on my way home,while in the school bus,a year 7 student said to me,'Good afternoon,Sensei'.
I was so glad 'cause he was the first person who spoke to me except for Japanese classes.I knew him but I'd not remember his name yet,so I apologized him for not memorizing his name and asked his name.
'cause I am not good at memorizing,and moreover the number of year 7 students who take Japanese as the second language were more than 100 people as estimated, so it'S hard for me to remember.
Thanks to his kindness,I knew his name,and I enjoyed talking with him.
At that time,I could use poor English,but he answered me kindly.
I wanna say to him 'thanks very much for your kindness'.
And I hope I can talk with him again:)

Commercial Message

In tutor group(HR),we watched youbube somehow. What we watched were commercials by Cadbury.which is famous for chocolate in Australa. Speaking of chocolate,chocolate in Australia is more expensive than that in Japan because it is made in Australia and sold at $3.00~$4.00 at 200g and so on. But it is really tasty❤ I often eat these chocolates!! Last week I sent chocolate made in Australia for my grandfather's birthday by air mail.He likes chocolate,so I planned this surprise birthday present. Although my mom knew my plan but he didn't know it until the present arrived,so he was very pleased. In addition,my mom ate his chocolate...haha This commercial is so funny especially the children's eyebrows...lol Australian commercials are funny compared with Japanese ones.


Okada Japan

I love soccer. So I watched soccer games on TV,and sometimes cheer my little brother's(he is a senior of a junior high school) games.
But this year,I can't because I am in Australia now.
In Australia,Australian football seems the most popular,so lots of its game are on TV but few of soccer ones.
Last week,when I joined in Japanese Party,I enjoyed talking @soccer,and then we wanna cheer Okada Japan together during FIFA World Cup 2010.
I wonder if we can do...

To my sadness,yesterday Okada Japan lost a match VS Korea @0-2.
But I didn't know there was Kirin Cup yesterday...

New record!!

To my surprise,I've had the most pieces of cakes for a month maybe 5~6 times.
Because my birthday is May 2nd,but there were few my friends' birthdays in May before.
But this year,I've met many people and most of their birthdays are in May!!
So I enjoy various kinds of cakes❤
I have sweet teeth,so I am happy!!
But I have to be careful not to be overweight...
Since I came here,I have put on weight about 2~3kg...

Many people say that people gain weight while living in foreign countries,but after coming back they can lose weight easily.
But I don't think so^_^;

Is dietary restriction the only way to lose weight?
It's too hard for me...because I enjoy eating↓↓

Test! Test! Test!

From this Monday,Year 12's test has begun.And Year 11's starts from next week.
It lasts for 2 weeks.It's similar to universities' system in Japan.
So each students has different schedule according to their subjects,some have days off during the test.
Although it would be busy week for me,because of the test,my schedule is not as busy as usual odd weeks.
But I have to go to school every weekday from morning to afternoon.
We haven't done Japanese tests yet,but I have something to do.
For example,I went to Information Technology Centre and asked staffs the solution of the problem and how to use a bloggie.
Moreover I had interview rehearsal for Year 11's speaking tests.
Of course I do lots of deskworks,too.But I don't feel tired of them.
Maybe deskwork is suitable for me:)
From tomorrow my schedule will be busier than today.In addition,next week I have to be an interviewer of speaking tests!!
Tommy,break a leg!!


An Unlucky Day

Today my friend and I went to City of Perth to plan our travel during the winter vacation.
In Australia,a new school term starts in February and schools have 4 terms in a year.After term 4 there is a long summer vacation from the middle of December to the end of January,and there are 2 weeks vacation between each term.
So my assistant is from term 2 to term 4,for about 8 months.

We wanna travel abroad in our vacation because we can go to Bali from Perth cheaper than from Japan.
But unfortunately,on Sunday no travel agency opened:_(
We have to go on weekdays or Saturday...
But we're busy on weekdays because we're @school until 3:10 usually.

So we went to Harbour Town for shopping. We wanted to buy winter clothes such as a sweater a cardugan.
But I couldn't meet any nice items...So we looked for underwears but they were different from ones in Japan.And there was no one that suited my size...
I prefer Japanese ones!!haha^_^;
So I focus on bargain sale @Perth city in June!!

After shopping when we were thinking about lunch,we met a friend who works @my school together by chance.
So we went to a cheap Korean restraunt.
Lunch cost only $5.00.- and this was my debut of Korean food❤
Although it was hot but yammy:)
We talk about our works and whether we can lose weight when we return to Japan.
Some lost weight naturally but I wonder if I can do so.
Maybe I can't lose weight,so I need to eat less than before...
But dietary restrictions is too hard for me:_(

So from today I'll have salad box for lunch.I try if I can lose weight by doing so.


Tim Tam

@Recess time we went to the staff room,and took a break.A teacher who loves chocolate gave us 'Tim Tam',a popular chocolate biscuit in Australa.
By the way,I love white Tim Tam❤^ー^❤
Then she asked us if we knew how to eat it in Australian way.
I knew at that time but I've never done by myself and seen someone doing.
So she showed us how to.
First bite both side of Tim Tam.
Second drink coffee,tea and so on with using Tim Tam as straw.
According to her,it tastes very yammy❤
Next time I'll try it:)

And when I go back to Japan and buy gift for my family and friends,I'll buy Tim Tam!!


Yesterday I didn't work @JTC but worked @another private school where my Japanese friend works as Japanese assistant.
We made activities for learning Japanese by using 'notebook software'.
This 'notebook' is so useful that by using SMART BOARD,we can play various kinds of activities interactively:)

So I tried recording sounds for inserting into activities.
I recorded '~'s from ~(country)' in Japanese with my friend. But I made a mistake;I should have recorded '~'s from Norway'^_^;
But I came to have command of recording sounds:)Yeah!!


Nodame Cantabile

Now I am so interested in Nodame Cantabile!!
I love comics,dramas,and movies❤^-^❤
Now 'Nodame Cantabile the final movement' is showing at movie theatre in Japan,but I can't see it because I'm in Australia now:_(

I wish I had a docodemo door...
With Doraemon,I could go back to Japan and see it!!


The Japanese listening test I did as year 12 did was returned.
Because I am a Japanese,I should get full marks.
But actually,I couldn't...
My score was 97%!!
I missed 'kanban'.I wrote 'a big panel' but the answer was 'a big sign (board)'!!

Free Dress Day

Today was unusual for me because many students didn't school uniform but casual jeans and shoes. Some put on boots!! It was as if it had been winter!!
Yes.Today,we had 'Free Dress Day'-the event students were allowed to wear casual clothes such as jeans and sneekers except for school shirts or blouses or polo shirts.
But not 'free'. That means students had to pay $2.00- per person.
The money was used for charity.

We don't have such an event in Japan,so it was interesting for me.
But if we'd had such an event,I would have worn my school uniform because I don't wanna wear casual clothes...it's troublesome for me to choose what to wear,haha.


An Evacuation Drill

Today in 4th period,we had an evacuation drill.
It's been several years since I had one in school days.
From classroom to the school ground,it took us about 5 minutes!!
It was so big that it holds many sports field;soccer,football,rugby etc.

I'd thought after the evacuation drill,teachers would tell something,but there was nothing.We had nothing but waited for 30 minutes.
Sunshine was so strong that it was warm enough:)A little tired...


Japanese Party

Today I went to Japanese Party that my friend's friend @UWA held.
About 15 Japanese and 7~8 Asians from Korea,Thailand,and so on joined in.
Students from Kansai foreign language university came to study abroad for 8 months.
I made friends with them♫
Before noon,we met @Willington Bus Station,and took bus then arrived at his share house.
I helped with making okonomi-yaki just cutting cabbage,haha.

Lunch was so gorgeous for example,okonomi-yaki,sashimi(raw fish),tempura,ton-katsu,and pizza(his owner made!!)❤
I felt as if I had returned to Japan at that time.

I spoke Japanese mainly but some English:)
We talked about daily life in Perth and Japan.
Of course,playing game:jenga!!
I lost jenga once:_( But exciting!!

We talked about soccer!! FIFA world cup 2010 is soon!!
We wanna cheer Japan match together!! Go for it!!

Today I had such a good time.I hope we have such a party again.
And in addition,the number of friends in facebook is over 50 people!!
Thanks everyone!!



Nowadays I have free time,so I started twitter.
It'll bring me some fun,I think.


Today I went to Subiaco with my host sister at first.
Because she is interested in hair care,so we went to the natural product shop.
She recommend me but prices were expensive:_(
So I tried handcream tester,haha.
Next we went to a grocery store and then she was looking for a bottle of vinegar.
There were various kinds of vinegar;white wain,red wine,apple sider etc.
I didn't know these difference.
She bought one,and when I asked her when she used it,she said 'for rinse'.
I was surprised to hear that. Hair care seemed interesting to me.
Because I didn't pay attention to hair care,just my twisted hair,so I should take care of it more than before.

After that I went to Cottesloe for shopping.
Train fare was $0.90.Cheap!!

My plan was window shopping only,but when I saw a volume-sales electrical appliance store,I couldn't help entering there.
Because maybe I am 'kaden otaku',so I can spend time in that kind of stores for at least 2~3 hours.
So I looked for HDD(Hard Disk Drive) because my PC's memory was getting shorter and shorter.
I asked a shop person if I could use one for my PC brought from Japan,and 320GB was enough in halting English.
He understood what I wanted to say,and answered kindly.
And moreover he talked about his travel to Japan.
I enjoyed a conversation with him a lot.

By the way,people working @that shop were handsome:)So happy,haha.


Facebook and Mixi

To tell the truth,I've never keep my diary for more than 3 days:)
But recently my record has been broken!!
The reason why I've continued for 2 monthes is I use facebook and mixi and skype!!
Thanks to them,my friendship has been getting wider and wider and strengthened!!
I enjoy chatting,reading friends' diaries and so on every day↑↑

I can communicate many friends;not only from Japan but also from all over the world!!

Some ask me and my mom if we miss each other because I am not at home,but we don't miss,actually.I heard from my mom that my younger brother and my dad miss me 'cause they can't do facebook,mixi,skype.
On Dads' day,I'll send a postcard from Australia!!
So I don't feel lonely now!!Thanx everyone❤


When I went to school with my host sister,she asked me if I knew what the meaning of 'crush' was.
At first I thought it was 'crash'.But I was wrong^_^;

Thanks to her,finally I understand the meaning of 'crush'.It means:

a strong feeling of love,that usually doesn't last very long,that young person has for somebody older

(by Oxford ADVANCED LEARNER'S Dictionary)

Oh,I've 'crushed' in my childhood...

And after that when I told to my Japanese friend at the school,she knew it.

I really need as many vocabulary as possible!!

iPhone in Australia

I seldom see someone using iPhone in Japan.
But not a day do I see someone with iPhone in Australia!!
Perhaps two out of five have one.
In Japan,I've heard that Japanese don't like to put fingerprints on mobiles,so it doesn't spread among as many people in Japan as in other countries like a i-pod.

In Japan, I heard a rumor;

if you wave iPhone,it makes sounds like the light sever @Star Wars!!

I've been wondering since I was a senior high school student.

The other day,I could ask my host sister if the rumor was true.
Of course,the answer was 'No,but possible with certain application',haha.

What made me surprised was in Japanese class,some students used iPhone's application of Japanese dictionary!! Wow!!
Then I realized how useful iPhone is.

I want one,so when I go back to Japan,I'll probably buy it!!


Hay fever

For a couple of days,I've been suffering from a stuffy nose...:_(
A stuffy nose causes bad situations;light headache(maybe because I need oxygen,haha) and sore throat.
Although I take a medicine I brought from Japan at night,it doesn't work.
Is this symptom hay fever? Or real cold??
But I think there is no sugi tree around here.
I'm unlucky...


Today I taught students Japanese instead of my Japanese teacher.
At first I had to explain Japanese word,'suki',and explain the way to express 'someone likes something' in Japanese using powerpoint and English.It was ifficult for me because I didn't get used to listening and speaking English.
But I enjoyed seniors' lesson the best because they've learned Japanese for several years and understand easily.
Thanks for your cooperation!!
I keep trying my best!!



I am suffering from acne and mouth sores...
I brought crensing form and cream for acne but they don't work well,unfortunately.
I have some acne on the face although I eat as much vegetable as I can.
And about mouth sores...
In the morning,I noticed something strange in my mouth.
When I looked at the mirror,I found a mouth sore!!Oh,no!!
I completely forgot about it because I seldom have one,maybe once or twice a year.
So I didn't bring cream for mouth sores.
I went to Coles and looked for a cream.
I know the word of 'stomatitis' so I searched but there was no goods written 'stomatitis'.Then I used my dictionary and I knew 'mouth sores'.
Finally I bought a gel!!
I use it at night!!!

Post Office

Today I went to the post office in Claremont to send my grandfather birthday gift and buy a letter and stamp for sending the photo for my previous host mother.
I bought chocolate on last Saturday but when I went there, it was closed:_(
That was surprising for me because in Japan,it opens every day from morning to night.
So today I finally sent to Japan!! But the fee was more expensive than chocolate,haha.
This is my post office debut in Australia,so I was nervous at that time.
Now I am relieved:)
The next is to print out the photo!! of course I bought glossy photo papers at $10.00. Expensive...

In the post office,they sell various kinds things;not only stationaries but also DVD,mobile phone. That was a big difference from Japan.It was interesting!!
I bought a book named 'Women who changed the world' at $20.00,because I need to study English.

Today I spent lots of money...I must save money as much as I can from tomorrow:)


Master Chef Australia

Today I watched 'Master Chef' on TV eating lemon cake my host mother made.
Delicious❤ I love sweets!!
At the program,three challengers were making chocolate cakes.

I wish I could make cakes very well.
So I need some practices.
My host mother suggest making a roll cake toghter on weekend,so I am really looking forward to it:)


Iron Man 2

'Iron Man 2'!!
Although I couldn't understand what the characters said fully but I really enjoyed:)
I was so excited that I thought I should have seen 'Iron Man 1'!!
Scarlett Johansson was so cool and beautiful!!
According to my host sister,the cinema I went today is built this year,so new!!
The seats were made of leather,and big!!Nice sofa❤
It was laxury for me because the size was for average Australian People and big enough for me.

My work in Australia

I've been in Perth since the end of March,but at first I went to language school in Perth to get used to speaking English. My class was 3A(upper-intermidiate),and I made a lot of friends from many countries,especially from Asia.
After school,I joined in activities:movie,athretic etc.
What I was enjoying the best was High Ropes. Although I scared a little,but exciting!!

Now I graduated from school,and then I started a new job.
This is a Japanese assistant at school.
I go to school every day and make mini tests and powerpoints.
Moreover I manage to Japanese Conversation Club at school with my teacher's help.
Although I am busy on weekdays,but it's interesting because I can learn English from Japanese class.


Recently I watch a drama made in America.
The name is 'Glee':)
Now 2nd season is on air in Australia, at 'channel 10'.
The story is a commedy in Glee club at a high school.
It's like a musical♫ You can enjoy and laugh!!

Of course,songs are so great that yesterday I bought a CD vol.1!!
I wanted one vol.2 and some,but it was expensive.
Vol.1 was discounted,and price was $9.99 so I paid $10.00. Cheap@^-^@
In Japan, usually CDs are more expensive than 1200yen.
So I am lucky↑↑


I haven't updated my blog for several days, but the reason is not I am tired but I've been busy for a week,haha.
Recently I see lots of movies on TV,DVD.
Yesterday I saw 'Made of Honor',and it was so funny:)
Today I go to 'Iron Man 2'!! This time is for the first time to see a movie in Australia,and to experience 3-D!!
I am looking forward to it!!



May 2nd is my birthday so many people not only from Japan but also from Australia celebrated me by facebook or e-mails:)I am so happy now.Thanks everyone!!
Although I became an adult in Japan,but nothing has changed particularly:P


Classical Music

Actually I❤comic books,but I haven't read one for 1 month.
It is unusual for me,haha.

So nowadays I listen to music.
In my walkman,there are j-pops,foregn music and classical music!!

Have you seen Nodame Cantabile the final movement that is showing now in Japan??
I wanna see but I can't because I am in Perth.
I wish it would show here.
I like Nodame because there are my favorite musics in it.
My favorite is the Pathetic Sonata. Very good!!
I bought Nodame album but it is in my home in Kyoto.
Maybe my mom listens to♫

Blog Start●^ー^●

Today is my 20th birthday,so I started my blog.
I wanna do something new:)

Speaking of myself,now I live in Perth.
I teach Japanese as an Japanese assistant.
But I am not getting used to speaking English,so I am learning English,too↑↑